Friday, March 25, 2011

My Heart Breaks for Japan

My heart breaks for Japan. I am constantly thinking about the people...especially the children. I wonder how many of them are orphans now. Probably among the thousands. I saw this picture in an article and my heart broke all over again. No parents and no home. All I know that is certain is that God is Sovereign and He has has them in His hands. 

Speaking of children..this one is not mine. Although I wish he was. His name is Colton and he belongs to Nikki Hogsed. He is the cutest kid ever and I hope I get to have one just like him one day.

I watched him while I was in Lynchburg and he is the easiest kid ever! I love reading her blog and seeing updates on him. He's getting so big! I know Joseph loves him too!

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH! Oh my goodness! He looks so little and so different! You are so sweet to my boys and I am thankful everyday that God brought you along at just the right time. We miss you so much and cant wait till your next visit to the burg!

    I am LOL that you say he is the easiest kid...he is a wild piece of work and has been cracking me up all day. He gets Adam's ipod and plays Justin Bieber over and over. He actually sings the "baby baby baby oh" part. FUNNY STUFF!
