Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Life has been busy lately! I don't think I would have it any other way though! Work has kept me on my toes and I'm surprised I still have hair after this month! Today was the first day of school for our district so things should be slowing down. Speaking of work, I am now a permanent employee!! wahoo! They can't get rid of me now :)

Aside from work, I've busied myself with things here and there in the apartment. Decorating has been slow coming in this place. I start on 5 different projects and forget to finish even one! My daily routine looks a little bit like this:
-come home from work and go the gym right away. Lord knows if I don't go right after work, I won't ever go. It's becoming harder and harder to run on a treadmill. I wish I felt safe running around Redding by myself. I keep having unfortunate run-ins with strangers at the gym. 
-eat dinner--this is usually a sweet potato, salad or green smoothie. I've just been too lazy to make anything else.

-work on some projects I've started months ago...

..hang shelves that have been leaning against the wall for weeks..

and trying to arrange it to make it look pretty!

...attach burlap to my chicken wire frame..

and hang it in the kitchen where I'll hang my recipes and "stuff".

cut vinyl for my friends and their mommas..

think of cool ways to use vinyl.. 

and try to make some money on the side! 

-and I end my day with some reading and falling asleep to reruns of The Hills. I'm come to accept the fact that I'm a reality TV show addict. I watch it at the gym, I watch it on Netflix, and I watch it on TV--when I actually get signal. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gracious! I am gonna start calling you "House of Parras"! You have that place looking so so so adorable. And, I must tell you that your pagan statue found it's way to a thrift store via "donation". Rest easy, sister, I did it NOT you! Phew! Love all your projects and I may have to hire you to do some for me!
